Friday, June 6, 2008


I love my MAC. I have a thing for keyboards and screens in general...I have an iPOD an iSHUFFLE...I am pretty well the earliest adopter in my circle...however, I am blonde. I don't mean BLONDE as in dumb...I mean blonde as in, if there is something I find tedious and uninteresting, I will fail to do it every time.
And this is where BACK UP comes in.
My friends at Quickbooks have encouraged me, after I travelled around Australia with them promoting their highly sexy new software package QUICKBOOKS QBi SERIES, to upgrade. Upgrading most things is exciting...think, cars, boyfriends, from economy to business...heck even business to first...however....upgrading software creates a fear in the pit of my stomach...and it's these words that come with the upgrade instructions that do it.

"Before you convert your data file, it is important to do everything you can to protect your data. To ensure accuracy in your data you will need to complete the following;"

WARNING WILL ROBINSON...WARNING WILL ROBINSON (to those of you too young to remember Lost in Space...these fateful words were emoted by the passionless robot to warn his young master whom he would guard with his life.

Last week, I lost all my data, when I hit one simple key twice...DELETE....are you sure????????

Yes, of course I'm sure...DELETE GONE.

A friend who shall remain nameless but is pretty big in the world of gadgets, widgets, wikis and such....her hardrive crashed...and guess what...she hadn't backed up for 8 weeks....


We should know better.

So, I see

Before you convert your data file, it is important to do everything you can to protect your data. To ensure accuracy in your data you will need to complete the following;
and I think....I might just leave that until I am fresh and full of at least two cups of coffee..

What are your back up solutions? Your comments appreciated!

have a lovely long weekend.

Ella x

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